• Home / Programas / Escuela de Verano / IBIO 4140 - Wearable Robots

    weareble robots


    Wearable Robots: Assistive Devices for Human Movement


    Información del curso



    Fecha: De junio 9 a junio 20 de 2023

    Horario: 08:00 a 12:00, 14:00 a 16:00

    Modalidad: Presencial

    Idioma: Inglés y español


    This interdisciplinary course will cover different aspects involved in assistive devices for human movement. Specifically, the course will provide an overview of the human musculoskeletal system, experimental methods to track human motion, commonly used device sensors, and control strategies. Students will have the chance to apply concepts learned in the class through OpenSim, an open-source musculoskeletal modeling software, and will work in groups to investigate a specific topic of their choice further in depth to present to the class.




    inscripciones estudiantes pregrado


    inscripcion extension


dia cero

  • Introduction to OpenSim
  • Intro to feedback control systems
  • Intro to motion tracking

dia uno

  • Muscle structure and force generation
  • Muscle-tendon interaction and mechanics
  • Musculoskeletal geometry
  • OpenSim simulation of tendon transfer surgery
  • Group project introduction

dia dos

  • Visit to biomechanics lab
  • Inverse kinematics and inverse dynamics
  • OpenSim Tutorial 3 – scaling, inverse kinematics, and inverse dynamics
  • IMUs and OpenSense tutorial
  • Group projects

dia tres

  • Neuromuscular overview
  • Muscle adaptation
  • Experimental methods – JND, EMG, metabolic cost
  • OpenSim - Simulation-based device design to reduce metabolic cost
  • Group project work time

dia cuatro

  • Device sensors
  • High-level control
  • Mid-level control
  • Low-level control
  • Group project work time

dia cinco

  • Group project work time/office hours
  • Group project presentations

cara walker


Dr Cara Welker obtained her PhD degree in Bioengineering at Stanford University, USA. Currently, she is a visiting assistant professor professor at University of Colorado and a Posdoctoral Fellow at University of Michigan. Her research lies at the intersection of biomechanics, haptics, and robotics.

She is interested in developing assistive devices, both to augment human performance in healthy individuals, as well as to train or compensate for deficits for those with impairments. Topics of particular interest for her are: (1) clever design of passive devices to assist human movement; (2) human-in-the-loop control strategies that incorporate user preference; and (3) designing experiments that give us insight into human sensorimotor control.

    christian cifuentes

    Profesor Asistente - (IBIO)

    PhD Cum Laude en Ingeniería Biomédica de la Universidad de Zaragoza y Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya





    Profesor Asociado - (IELE) 

    PhD en Ingeniería Eléctrica de la Universidad Estatal de Ohio.

    Sus intereses de investigación se centran en Machine learning, IoT, y teoría de sistemas dinámicos para resolver problemas con impacto social.





    • Estudiantes de pregrado: haber terminado materias nivel 1. 
    • Estudiantes de maestría y externos:  ninguno

    Computador portátil propio, software OpenSim (acceso libre) y Matlab (licencia para personas con cuenta Uniandes).