Home / Programas / Escuela de Verano / 2020 / Academic career in medical devices

Academic career in medical devices

Developing an academic career as an inventor of medical devices is not easy. There are some common issues between countries, but these are very specific topics. In this course, the student will learn how to manifest an academic career in medical device design and innovation. This will be a journey also to understand the health systems of Colombia and the USA. Furthermore, the student will discover how to design and evaluate medical devices, as well as how to set up a lab and acquire funding. The student will learn regulatory and intellectual property strategies and will gain comprehension on how to strategize business model innovation in healthcare.

This course is going to take place in Bogota, Colombia from July 6th to July 17th 2020. The course will offer lectures, workshops, a designh challenge and student project presentations. The classes will be taught by Ajit Yoganathan, Regents professor and Wallace H. Coulter Distinguished Faculty Chair in Biomedical Engineering at Giorgia Tech and Juan Carlos Briceño, Full professor at the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Universidad de los Andes and Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies of the School of Engineering at Universidad de los Andes.






Day 1

July 6



Morning session (9 – 12m)

How to make an academic career in medical devices design and innovation

How life sciences, medicine and engineering come together in BME.

Skills necessary to do research and innovation in medical devices.

Juan Carlos Briceño

Ajit Yoganathan

Afternoon session (2 – 5 pm)

R&D in medical devices: understanding health systems, Colombia and USA.

Health technology assessment (IETS).

Workshop: how to develop medical devices for different health systems

Tatiana Andia - Uniandes

Day 2

July 7


Morning session (9 – 12m)

Where do ideas come from?.

Needs, problems and opportunities.

Finding opportunities: Technology push vs Market pull.

Needs finding activity.

Sources of information and methods.

Giorgio Triulzi - Uniandes (Technology push)

Juan Manuel Pérez - Fundación Cardioinfantil (Chief Radiologist and inventor, Clinical needs)

Juan Carlos Briceño

Ajit Yoganathan


Afternoon session (2 – 5 pm)

How to design and evaluate medical device

Design challenge

Juan Carlos Briceño

Ajit Yoganathan

Juan Manuel Pérez

Graduate assistants


Day 3

July 8


Morning session (9 – 12m)

How to set up your lab and get funding: Do's and don'ts

Funding strategies and alliances


Juan Carlos Briceño

Ajit Yoganathan

Diana Calderón - (ex-Colciencias)


Afternoon session (2 – 5 pm)

Workshop on proposals and funding

Diana Calderón - (ex-Colciencias)

Juan Carlos Briceño

Ajit Yoganathan


Day 4

July 9


Morning session (9 – 12m)

Connecting the dots in medical device R&D+i Regulatory and intellectual property strategy.

Pricing and Reimbursement.

Medical devices price regulation.

Strategy and Business model innovation in healthcare.


Juan Carlos Briceño

Ajit Yoganathan

Natalia Valbuena - Medtronic LATAM (Regulatory Affairs) 

Rafael Vesga - Uniandes (Business plans)

Simon Turner - Uniandes (Business plans)

Afternoon session (2 – 5 pm)

Workshop: Putting together the business plan for your medical device

Juan Carlos Briceño

Ajit Yoganathan

Day 5

July 17


Morning session (9 – 12m)

Closing remarks: How to make an academic career in medical devices design and innovation.

How to teach R&D+i in medical devices. 

Trends in the field.


Juan Carlos Briceño

Ajit Yoganathan

Afternoon session (2 – 5 pm)

Students projects presentations and feedback

Juan Carlos Briceño

Ajit Yoganathan